I keep a flock of native Shetland and Herdwick sheep here in rural Ayrshire, South West Scotland. My ‘end-to-end’ ethos examines the relationship between the natural environment, regenerative farming and luxury textiles.

As a textile designer and weaver, my work traces concepts of place, craft and natural forms through both woven and narrative structures. I’m interested in the provenance, traceability and authenticity of wool intimately connected to the shepherding cycle - from field to fabric - motivated by animal welfare, sustainability and circular approaches.

I am Professor of Design Innovation at The Glasgow School of Art where my research focuses on craft and ‘cultural assets’, which connect to the landscape and culture of communities, and the role design-led innovation can play in the transformation of craft economies and socio-cultural renewal. I supervise Post Graduate Research students whose interests revolve around craft and vernacular materials, communities of place, and regenerative textile systems that include the more than human.